The Ultimate Guide on How to Solve Proxy Error Codes Most Effectively

by Dan Goodin
19 Jul 2022

"Proxy & VPN Virtuoso. With a decade in the trenches of online privacy, Dan is your go-to guru for all things proxy and VPN. His sharp insights and candid reviews cut through the digital fog, guiding you to secure, anonymous browsing."

While using proxy servers, users frequently encounter proxy errors that extremely distract from the convenient workload. Although we are aware of all the possible nasty crashes, it always becomes an embarrassment. What went wrong? What should I do to resolve the issue? This ultimate proxy error guide and ways of their solution will help you to sort things out. 

What is a proxy error?

Proxy Error

Proxy error is an HTTP error status that serves as a response sent to the website in case the intermediary fails to perform the connection correctly. These error statuses are distributed due to the multiple nature of malfunctions that cause the server crash. To keep running the intermediary and preserve its smooth operation, you need to find out a solution no matter what the roots of the problem are. If you are competent enough in HTTP status codes proxy server issues stop being complicated. 

Status Code Classes

Proxy Error Problem

The range of status codes constantly expands introducing new meanings.  Speaking of the proxy server errors, we can emphasize 22 statuses subdivided into 5 key categories: 

  • 1xx – Informational 
  • 2xx – Success 
  • 3xx – Redirection 
  • 4xx – Client error 
  • 5xx – Server error

1xx – Informational 

  • 100 – Continue 

This code states the server is satisfied with the initial portion of the request, so the client can continue to forward headers. Mostly, servers send this response to prevent additional requests if the web server rejects the first ones. 

  • 101 – Switching protocols 

With the 101 proxy error code, the server suggests switching to a protocol more suitable for the specified resource. It must specify the list of proposed protocols in the Update header field.

  • 102 – Processing (WebDAV)

Here the request has been accepted, but it will take a long time to process it. It is used by the server so that the client does not terminate the connection due to exceeding the timeout. Upon receiving such a response, the client must reset the timer and wait for the next command in normal mode.

  • 103 – Early hints 

This is a forewarning to the user browser that the intermediary has not started processing requests. 

2xx – Success  

  • 204 – No content 

The status “No Content” implies the server did not send a response when the intermediary successfully processed the request. In this case, the client can apply the received metadata to the request.

  • 206 – Partial content 

The 206 proxy error means the server successfully executed a partial request, returning only part of the message. Double-check your scrapping activity is appropriate and does not cause this malfunction. 

3xx – Redirection 

  • 301 – Permanent redirect 

The requested resource was finally moved to the URL specified in the Location header line of the site response.

  • 302 – Temporary redirect 

This status code informs the client that the resource is temporarily available by another URL specified in the Location header line of the server response header. 

4xx – Client error 

  • 400 – Bad request 

Your request has a proxy error that does not allow your destination server or an intermediary to comprehend the request. Mostly, it is a syntax error, incorrect formatting, or misleading request routing. 

  • 401 – Unauthorized

This status denotes that the resource requires user identification. To overcome the 401 error, log into the website. If the data is not specified correctly, the same status code will be issued again.

  • 402 – Payment required 

The 402 error happens when a user tries to complete an action that requires payment. The range of solutions is quite diverse here depending on the service you are using but you can always pay for the service to eliminate the problem. 

  • 403 – Forbidden 

If you have received HTTP code 403 from proxy after connecting, your server denied access to the requested resource due to restrictions. Restrictions can be any set by the administrator, or a specific web application. To solve this issue, you can request access or get it yourself by changing your IP address depending on the block parameters. 

  • 404 – Not found 

The server did not find the requested resource at the specified address. The reason for the unavailability of the service is that it could be deleted or moved to a different location. Confirm the URL to prevent the error. 

  • 405 – Forbidden method 

This status reflects the user’s attempt to invoke forbidden methods, for example, delete method without permission. As a result, the website will reject the action and will provide a list of valid methods.

  • 406 – Not acceptable

Here the requested resource does not satisfy the requested parameters defined in the proactive content negotiation headers of the request. If the request was not made by the head method, the web server will return a list of acceptable parameters. 

  • 407 – Proxy authentication required

The 407 error code is similar to the 401 code, except the authentication is performed for an intermediary. If you have received HTTP code 407 from proxy after connecting, make sure your username and password are accurate. Another issue is IP Authentication – check whether you have whitelisted your IP to start using an intermediary. In case, the proxy error problem has not gone away, contact your provider. 

  • 429 – Too many requests 

If your proxy server isn’t responding, you could have sent too many requests in the specified period. The 429 code occurs when users extract excessive data by scraping or using bots to gather heaps of data in a short period. To reduce the probability of such error, use high-quality proxies in a rotating session that will get the job done in most scenarios. 

5xx – Server error  

  • 500 – Internal Server Error 

This proxy error pops up after the server crash or the webserver has unexpectedly gone offline. The simplest remedy is to reboot your server but it does not guarantee the problem solution.  

  • 501 – Not implemented 

A status “Not Implemented” means the server is unable to provide you with the resource you have asked for. Mostly, it occurs due to the web server not supporting the capabilities required to perform the request. 

  • 502 – Bad gateway 

This is the most frequent proxy error that occurs during the data gathering process. The server operating as a gateway or an intermediary receives an invalid response from another site that results in the malfunction of an intermediary. Clear the cache and try to connect the web server without using an intermediary. If the connection is failed, contact your system administrator.

  • 503 – Services unavailable 

Having received HTTP code 503 from proxy after connecting, means the server is overloaded with other requests or unavailable for planned maintenance. It can occur due to your scraper having been declassified and banned which can be easily solved with rotating proxies.   

  • 504 – Gateway timeout 

This status means your intermediary did not wait for the upstream web server to complete processing the request. The only thing you can apply for is to contact your provider. 

Top solutions for overcoming proxy error codes 

Proxy Error Solution

Being aware of the most common scenarios that cause the proxy errors, you can easily escape them by following one of the solutions we have prepared for you. Let’s take a look at the most common practices to eliminate server crashes.

  • Residential proxies: These proxies have already proven themselves as the most trustworthy solution for almost all malfunctions. Residential proxies provide a large pool of IP addresses for your real IP to be replaced with. So, you can rotate the residential proxies as you like to avoid destination websites blocking you. 
  • Improve rotation: The main feature of rotating proxies is IP rotation which means you will be adjusted to a new IP address with each request you send. By constantly changing your IP address, you can access the content previously blocked for you, your region, or your country, as well as escape all possible blocks. 
  • Reduce the number of requests: An overload of requests issued by a single IP address leads to a proxy connection failure. To eliminate the possibility of account blocking, you can reduce the number of requests by setting a delay between requests you perform. Another solution is to make your IP rotate which will serve you well. 
  • Scraper with high performance: In case your work demands an abundance of requests done simultaneously, apply to using a scraper with high performance. This tool will help you to pull back the frontiers of your user experience and circumvent the barriers set by the websites. 


To advance your user experience and break through the boundaries of limited Internet surfing, you are to be aware of all the HTML status codes you may encounter. Taking into consideration all the nuisances, you can quickly shift to the normal workload overcoming undesired errors and blocks. Make sure you do not violate the rules of scraper usage and perform the other proxy tasks with no hindrance. Forewarned is forearmed! 

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