What is a Web Crawler?

by Dan Goodin
24 Jul 2024

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You may have heard the term ‘crawler’ from web developers, data scrapers, and SEO experts. I come across this term a lot of times daily. Tech giants like Google and Bing use crawlers to index the latest data and display query results. But how do they work?

In this post, I’m going to explore web crawlers, their working principles, advantages, disadvantages, types, and impact on search engine optimization (SEO).

What is Crawler?

A spider on the keyboard
Webcrawling is a process when bots browse the internet to gather data.

A web crawler, often known as a spider or bot, is an automated program that systematically searches the internet for information on websites and gathers huge amounts of data, whether archived or the latest. Specifically, you may use it to index sites for search engines, evaluate website content, and collect massive datasets for a variety of purposes.


  • It is best for automated data collection, which saves time and effort by acquiring large amounts of information without requiring manual involvement.
  • They can access and index a large number of web pages, resulting in a rich and detailed dataset for study.
  • A web crawler online that runs regularly ensures data has the most recent content.
  • Crawlers help optimize websites for search engines by assessing content and structure – I’m talking better visibility and ranking.
  • Crawlers monitor competing websites, providing vital information about their strategy, content, and performance.


Below, I will list several drawbacks of web crawling technology, although, to my mind, they are all pretty outweighed by the number of benefits it brings to the IT field. 

  • Crawlers can consume significant bandwidth and server resources, potentially slowing down the websites they scrape and increasing operational costs for the crawler operator.
  • Crawlers require regular maintenance and upgrades to function since they must adapt to changes in website structures and layouts, which makes the process time-consuming and technically challenging.

Web Crawling – How it Works

So, in short, web crawling is the computerized practice of systematically scanning the internet to index and collect information from websites. Whereas, in more detail, we’ve got…

  1. Starting Point

At this stage, URLs are loaded into a queue, which manages the list of links that a URL crawler website will visit.

  1. Fetching

At this step of site spidering, HTTP queries are made to URLs to acquire the HTML content of the webpages. This allows the crawler website to access and evaluate the structure and content of web pages. 

  1. Parsing

The retrieved HTML content is parsed to extract links, which are then added to the list of URLs to crawl. Furthermore, pertinent data from web pages, including text, photos, and metadata, is extracted.

  1. Storing

The collected data is saved in a database or an index for simple retrieval, additional research, and analysis.

  1. Following Links

The crawler website continues to follow links discovered on the current web page, repeating the fetching, parsing, and storing operation for each new URL.

  1. Rate Limiting

To avoid overloading websites, crawlers follow robots.txt directives and add pauses between requests.

To grasp more clearly how it works, I advise you to watch a video about how search works in the first place. Here’s a short video to help you comprehend its functioning principle: 

4 Types of Web Crawlers 

Web Crawler Search Engine

These use site crawlers to collect information for search engine results pages (SERPs) such as Bing and Google. They are geared for speed and efficiency and can manage large volumes of data over millions of web pages.


Also known as topical or vertical crawlers, these are designed to collect data from specific areas of interest or topics, such as news sites, academic papers, or industry-specific websites. They are optimized to identify and follow links related to their focus area, ignoring irrelevant content.


This type focuses on updating already existing indexed data rather than fetching all the data from scratch. Incremental crawlers efficiently maintain up-to-date indexes by periodically revisiting and updating only the modified parts of websites.

Deep Web Crawler

These are designed to access and index content not readily available through a standard web crawler search engine, such as dynamic pages, databases, and content behind login forms. Deep web crawlers can navigate through forms, use credentials to access restricted areas, and parse JavaScript-generated dynamic content.

Cases of Use

I remember I first considered setting up a webcrawler browser when worked on SEO analysis, web archiving, and, a bit later on – security testing. But most of my colleagues employ it for…

  • Market Research: For business purposes, you may employ web crawler technology to collect information about competitors, market trends, and client preferences.
  • Price Comparison: If you run an e-commerce site, use crawlers to track competitors’ prices and change your own pricing strategy.
  • Content Aggregation: News aggregators and content curation services apply crawlers to collect articles, blog entries, and other information from various sources. 
  • Academic Research: Feel free to collect data from online sources, databases, and forums, if need be.
  • Search Engine Indexing: Crawlers assist search engines like Google in indexing web pages and provide relevant search results.

How to Build a Web Crawler

A programmer working late in the office
To build a crawler, you need to have a complete setup for it to execute.

Well, to build a website crawler, you will need some coding skills. If you want to create a web crawler using a no-code approach, then I recommend a website crawling builder tool. 

Let’s take this step-by-step.

  1. Set up your development environment.
  • You start by choosing a language (for this tutorial, I am providing an example using Python.)
  • Install libraries like requests for making HTTP requests, BeautifulSoup or lxml for parsing HTML, and Scrapy for a more comprehensive site spidering framework.
Python code for building a web crawler
Python code.
  1. Create the basic structure.
  • Specify the URL(s) you want to crawl.
  • For the basic structure, leverage the requests library to fetch the content of web pages by making HTTP requests. 
Using python to build a web crawler
Python code.
  1. Parse the HTML content.
  • As soon as you have the content, move on to the next step, i.e., parse the HTML to extract the required information. You can use tools like BeautifulSoup or lxml for this task.
Python code for web crawling
Python code.
  1. Handle data extraction.
  • In this step, you need to identify data points and determine what data you need, such as titles, links, or images.
  • Now, extract data by using HTML tags and class names to locate and extract data.
Using HTML tags and class names
Python code.
  1. Implement crawling logic.
  • You will need to use recursive crawling and create functions to follow links and crawl additional pages.
  • Identify and follow pagination links to continue site spidering seamlessly. 
Using recursive crawling
Python code.
  1. Store the extracted data.
  • Here, use a database like SQLite, MySQL, or MongoDB for structured storage. 
  • Once done, you must save data to CSV or JSON file format. 
Using a database like SQLite, MySQL or MongoDB
Python code.
  1. Handle errors and exceptions.
  • Set timeouts for HTTP requests to handle slow responses.
  • Retry Failed Requests by implementing retry logic for failed requests.
Using python for web crawling
Python code.
  1. Respect robots.txt and rate limiting.
  • Ensure your crawler respects the robots.txt file of the target website.
  • You can also utilize delays between requests to avoid overloading the server and affecting its performance. 
Crawler and robots.txt
Python code.

Web Crawling vs. Web Scraping: What are the Differences?

And again, what is crawler? Website crawling entails regularly exploring the internet to index and discover web pages, generally for search engines. On the other hand, web scraping refers to obtaining specific data from websites for analysis and application in different fields like marketing, SEO, campaigns, etc. 

AspectWebsite CrawlingWeb Scraping 
PurposeIndexing and discovering web pagesExtracting specific data from web pages
Use Case Use cases for search engines (in the first place) to build or index the pages Used by individuals and businesses to gather data for analysis
ProcessA system that methodically follows links to discover new pagesParses and extracts data from identified web pages
ToolsGooglebot, Bingbot, and other search engine botsBeautifulSoup, Scrapy, Selenium
OutputA comprehensive index of web pagesCSV, JSON, or databases
Complexity Generally more complex, it requires handling large-scale dataCan be simpler, but complexity increases with dynamic content

How do Web Crawlers Affect SEO?

As I already said, web crawlers play an important part in search engine optimization (SEO) by indexing websites, which, in its turn, has a direct impact on how they appear in search results. 

When a crawler explores a website, it evaluates the content, structure, and keywords to determine relevancy and rank. Effective SEO strategies, such as optimizing page speed, employing appropriate tags, and producing high-quality content, help crawlers efficiently index a site and, as a result, increase its visibility. 

However, if you err and duplicate material, use broken links, or blocked resources, be ready that it might impede a crawler’s ability to index a site effectively, lowering the site’s search engine ranks.

Crawling Policies and Ethics

Crawling regulations and ethics are required to ensure the proper use of web crawlers. Websites frequently utilize robots.txt files to interact with crawlers, indicating which pages should not be crawled. 

Ethical web crawling adheres to these rules, avoids overloading servers with excessive requests, and protects user privacy by avoiding collecting sensitive data without consent. Ignoring these standards might result in legal consequences and harm a website’s reputation. 

I’d also add to ethical issues the gaining explicit consent, ensuring that the data obtained is used responsibly, and respecting both the website’s and users’ rights.

Future Trends

You all know about ML and AI, right? Well, to my mind, advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) will define the future of website crawling. I presume AI-powered crawlers will become more intelligent, able to recognize context, and extract more relevant information. Furthermore, I consider the rise of voice search and mobile-first indexing will affect how crawlers rank and index material. 

Besides, the growing emphasis on user privacy and data security should compel the creation of spider crawlers that adhere to more demanding legislative frameworks, assuring ethical and responsible data collection activities.

Final Thoughts

Web crawler technology is critical to the digital ecosystem, influencing SEO, market research, and content aggregation. To prevent legal concerns and assure responsible data acquisition, I highly recommend you follow ethical crawling procedures and obey crawling policies. And be ready for future AI and machine learning breakthroughs to make web crawlers more efficient and context-aware.


In brief, what is web crawling?

The meaning says it’s the process by which automated programs systematically browse the internet to index content from websites, gather data to update search engine indexes, and enable efficient retrieval of information when you perform searches.

How do web crawlers work?

They browse the web, fetching and parsing HTML to collect and index data from web pages to gather the information for different purposes.

Why are web crawlers important for search engines?

Crawlers index web pages, enabling search engines to deliver users relevant and up-to-date search results.

Do all web crawlers operate the same way?

No, they vary in algorithms, scope, and focus depending on their specific goals and implementations.

What challenges do crawlers face?

Free web crawlers face challenges like rate limiting, CAPTCHAs, dynamic content, and compliance with robots.txt files.

How do web crawlers impact SEO?

They impact SEO by indexing site content, which affects visibility and ranking in search engine results pages.

Do crawlers have access to all parts of a website?

No, web crawlers are restricted by robots.txt files and can be blocked from accessing certain parts of a website.

What is the primary distinction between web scraping and web crawling?

The main difference between crawling and scraping is that crawling indexes entire pages while scraping extracts specific data from specific sites.

How can websites control the behavior of crawlers?

Websites use robots.txt files and meta tags to specify which pages spidey crawlers can access and how frequently they can crawl.

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